I found myself in multiple rehab centers and hospital admissions. My darkest moment came in February of 2019 when I faced the stark reality of a serious DUI, a moment that could have changed lives irreversibly. I was facing several severe charges and a possible 1-5-year state prison sentence. You would have thought I stopped there, but it took a little longer. During my last hospitalization, I felt like God had met me there. That is when I finally cried out to him for help.

I understand the significance of peer support; I had a peer who met me in the hospital and helped me start off on my recovery journey. It was a long road, though it did not happen overnight. I came back from rehab and attended 48 sessions of intensive outpatient sessions. I also began to rebuild my life, and I was remarried to my husband Tom, who has incredibly supported me. The unwavering love and support of my family have shaped my journey.